Mindtouch – Add links to horizontal link bar in Beechbeta-pale

For the Mindtouch wiki at my company, I have taken a copy of Beechbeta-Pale and modified it to closer match our corporate image. Part of this modification includes the horiztonal link bar just below the wiki logo, as identified here:

horizontal menu bar with links


These links can be modified quite easily, which is great because this area provides a highly visible spot for common links.

To modify this area you’ll need SSH access to your wiki.

  • Navigate to: /var/www/dekiwiki/skins/beechbeta/pale (or your custom skin)
  • Modify html.php with Nano or your chosen file editor.
  • Find the line containing “<ul class=”nav”>” (around line 43)

If you want to add a static link, it will be in this form:

<li><a href="ftp://ftp.domain.com" title="">FTP</a></li>

You can add the class “first” to the <li> to add a vertical bar on the left, or class “last” to add a vertical bar on the right.

Comment out any predefined php functions (such as Watched Pages) that you don’t want to appear).

Something additional I did on my wiki was separate links from the left and right on the horizontal link bar.

For the links that you want to appear on the right, add a new class name to your <li> such as “customlink”.

Then open the “_style.php” file from the same location as html.php, and jump down to around line 144, which should be “.nav last”.

Add the following with your custom class name just below that:

.nav .customlink{


Now your links should appear something like this:

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