Find Hyper-V VM GUID

While creating and converting VM’s using SCVMM puts the configuration files and VHD’s in a nicely structured set of folders, if you create a VM through Hyper-V Manager or convert using disk2vhd, the files will be stored based on the GUID for the VM, which isn’t found anywhere in the GUI tools for Hyper-V.
Luckily I came across this blog post to which I owe full credit for the solution:

Save the VBS script below as guid.vbs, copy to your Hyper-V host, and use psexec to execute it with this:

psexec \\hyperv cmd.exe

cscript c:\guid.vbs

You are using PSexec right?

Option Explicit
Dim WMIService
Dim KvpComponents
Dim VMList
Dim VMSettingList
Dim VM
Dim item
Dim setting
Dim component
'Get instance of 'virtualization' WMI service on the local computer
Set WMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\virtualization")
'Get all the MSVM_ComputerSystem object
Set VMList = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem")   
For Each VM In VMList  
 if VM.Caption = "Virtual Machine" then      
  WScript.Echo "========================================"      
  WScript.Echo "VM Name: " & VM.ElementName      
  WScript.Echo "VM GUID: " & VM.Name     
  WScript.Echo "VM State: " & VM.EnabledState   
  ' Now get the BIOS GUID for this VM
  Set VMSettingList = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData")   
  For Each setting In VMSettingList
   Dim tempVMname
   tempVMName = "Microsoft:"  + VM.Name
   if setting.InstanceID = tempVMName then      
    WScript.Echo "VM BIOS GUID: " & setting.BIOSGUID  
   end if
 end if

One thought to “Find Hyper-V VM GUID”

  1. We can also get the same info using the following command….

    Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization -class msvm_computersystem | select elementname, operationalstatus, processid, name

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