Terraform plan output to file

A quick note to myself on how to get terraform plan output as a file.

By default running a “terraform plan” will output a nice graphical display of all expected changes. Sometimes you want to be able to distribute this as a file. In the past, I’ve tried commands like:

terraform plan > tfplan.txt

However that produces confusing output like this:


Instead, you can do this to get better output:

terraform plan -no-color > tfplan.txt

Now it will display in the console, and produce a text file that looks like this:

15 thoughts to “Terraform plan output to file”

  1. try the tool terraform_landscape.
    This is hard to install on Windows but easy for mac.
    Otherwise, I try this:
    terraform plan > color_output.txt
    less -R color_output.txt
    -R option prints colors

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