I was updating the BIOS on a couple of Dell PowerEdge R620’s today and was presented with an error I hadn’t heard of before:
IPMI driver is disabled. Please enable or load the driver and then reboot the system.
This was very odd. A little bit of searching showed that there should be an IPMI driver service running in Windows, so I checked that:
Service 'ipmidrv (IPMIDRV)' cannot be started due to the following error: Cannot start service IPMIDRV on computer '.
Knowing this was a driver, I went to look in Device Manager, and was quite surprised to find this IPMI driver listed:
This is a Dell PowerEdge, I have no idea how this HP driver got installed – I’m not even convinced it wasn’t there prior to the other driver updates I was performing. In any case, this device wasn’t starting properly, and was preventing the service from starting. I uninstalled it and the driver:
Following this, the appropriate device appeared under “System Devices”:
Now I could start the service, and the BIOS update proceeded properly.
Exactly the same issue with my PowerEdge. Well spotted and Thanks
Thank you! Ran into this on multiple PowerEdge T630 servers.
THANKS, so after I uninstall the HP drive I have restart the server and run the service to start in powershell. ?
Thank you very much you saved me a lot of time, even when it’s 2019!
Amazing find – thank you.
2022 still works
Many thanks. Still works on my T130.