Update Quest RapidRecovery Agents silently

I’m in the process of upgrading AppAssure 5.4.3 agents to the latest version of Rapid Recovery, 6.1.3. This is done following the Core upgrade.

So far my progress has been pretty seamless. In testing I confirmed that I could push the install with a “No Reboot” force, and the agent would continue to operate normally until the next system reboot (which will occur as part of monthly Windows Updates).

This script is in no way ‘complete’, as in it could be made much better. Additional logging on success or failure, parallel processing, etc could all be done -however for simple purposes it worked quite well.

# begin a transcript to log the output to file
Start-Transcript C:\Temp\AgentUpgradeLog.txt
# Define the list of systems to update
# Gather list of older version from Rapid Recovery Licensing Portal
$systems = Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\AgentServers.txt
foreach($system in $systems) {
#Write-Host "Testing connectivity to $system"
$rtn = Test-Connection -CN $system -Count 1 -BufferSize 16 -Quiet
IF($rtn -match 'True'){
 Write-Host "ALIVE - $System"
 copy C:\Temp\Agent-X64- \\$system\c$\temp -confirm:$false
 $executable = "C:\temp\Agent-X64-"
 $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $system 
 # Key here is the /silent and reboot=never switches
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {Start-Process $using:executable -ArgumentList "/silent reboot=never" -Wait}
 remove-pssession $session
 Write-Host "$System - upgrade steps completed"
 sleep 5
# Found that we had agent services not starting following the upgrade
 get-service -name "RapidRecoveryAgent" -computername $system | Start-Service
 Write-Host "DOWN - $System"


2 thoughts to “Update Quest RapidRecovery Agents silently”

  1. Hi, I noticed you have upgraded AppAssure 5.4.3 to version 6.x. I am in dying need to finding the install files for 5.4.3 core. I have a situation where we got ranswomware and we not have the original 5.4.3 install only 5.4.2 and our backups are erroring out when restoring a single server. We can’t upgrade to 6 because we have stopped paying for Quest support. Would you be able to share your install file for 5.4.3? I don’t need the license since we have it already but is the install files that we are missing. Please let me know if you’d be kind to help me get those install files

    Thank you so much in advanced.

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