PRTG API to add maintenance window

I recently had a need to provide capability for adding one-time maintenance windows in PRTG for a specific set of objects.

I found this post on the PRTG forums as a starting point. I also needed to learn how to authenticate an API request in PowerShell, which Paessler has provided a KB article on.

Part of my requirements were conditional logic, to say “Pause these sensors, and maybe pause these other ones too if desired”. I used a Switch parameter in my PowerShell script to accomplish this.

One of the remaining downsides of this script is that it requires pre-knowledge of the exact object IDs from PRTG. These are easy to find, by navigating to the object you desire, and looking at the URL which will display it.

I also want to be able to call this script from a website with user-specified parameters, but that will be for a future post.

Here’s my script, which can be called like this:

$start = get-date
$end = (get-date).AddMinutes(5)
.\PrtgMaintenanceWindow.ps1 -MaintStartTime $start -MaintEndTime $end -IncludProdWebServers -IncludeTestWebServers

Full Script:

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [datetime]$MaintStartTime,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [datetime]$MaintEndTime,
# Use $Global parameters so they can be used inside the Function without repeating
$Global:prtgAuth = 'username=PRTGUSERNAME&passhash=GENERATEDHASHVALUE'
$Global:prtgServer = 'https://FQDN.OF.PRTG'
$Global:MaintStart = '{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}' -f $MaintStartTime
$Global:MaintEnd = '{0:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}' -f $MaintEndTime
$ServicesID = @("OBJECTID") # Group containing devices & sensors that I want to control
$ProdWebServersID = @("13152", "13153", "13149", "13150") # Individual Devices to conditionally apply a maintenance window to
$TestWebServersID = @("13219", "13221", "13220", "13222")
# Function that can be called multiple times, after passing in an ObjectID.
function ApplyMaintenanceWindow {
    # Apply Start Time of Maintenance Window
    $startattempt = Invoke-WebRequest "$prtgServer/api/setobjectproperty.htm?id=$objectid&name=maintstart&value=$MaintStart&$prtgAuth" -UseBasicParsing
    # Display the output as successful if HTTP200 response code received. Using Out-String for future integration purposes with website. 
    if ($startattempt.StatusCode -eq "200") {
        $message = "Object ID: $objectid - Maintenance window set to start at $MaintStart"
        $message | out-string
    # Apply End Time of Maintenance Window
    $endattempt = Invoke-WebRequest "$prtgServer/api/setobjectproperty.htm?id=$objectid&name=maintend&value=$MaintEnd&$prtgAuth" -UseBasicParsing
    if ($endattempt.StatusCode -eq "200") {
        $message = "Object ID: $objectid - Maintenance window set to end at $MaintEnd"
        $message | out-string
    # Enable Maintenance Window for the object
    $enableattempt = Invoke-WebRequest "$prtgServer/api/setobjectproperty.htm?id=$objectid&name=maintenable&value=1&$prtgAuth" -UseBasicParsing
    if ($enableattempt.StatusCode -eq "200") {
        $message = "Object ID: $objectid - Maintenance window enabled"
        $message | out-string
# Add maintenance Window for Client Services
# Do this always, with the parameters supplied
foreach ($id in $ClientServicesID) {
    ApplyMaintenanceWindow -objectid $id
#If necessary, add maintenance window for ProdWebServers
# Do this conditionally, if the switch is provided
if ($IncludeProdWebServers.IsPresent) {
    foreach ($id in $ClientProdWebServersID) {
        ApplyMaintenanceWindow -objectid $id
#If necessary, add maintenance window for TestWebServers
# Do this conditionally, if the switch is provided
if ($IncludeTestWebServers.IsPresent) {
    foreach ($id in $ClientTestWebServersID) {
        ApplyMaintenanceWindow -objectid $id



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