Azure Managed Prometheus and Grafana with Terraform – part 2

This is part 2 in learning about monitoring solutions for an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), using Azure Managed Prometheus and Azure Managed Grafana.

In this post we are going to use Terraform to configure the Azure Prometheus and Grafana solutions, connect them to our previously created AKS cluster, and look at what metrics we get out of the box.

The source code for this part 2 post can be found here in my GitHub repo: aks-prometheus-grafana (part 2)

Microsoft’s support for deploying a fully integrated solution through infrastructure-as-code is lacking here, in non-obvious ways which I’ll walk through. There is an onboarding guide available, which surprisingly does have example Terraform code; not just Azure CLI commands as I typically see. However, the Terraform examples are still using the AzApi resources for the Prometheus rule groups, despite there existing a Terraform resource for this now in azurerm_monitor_alert_prometheus_rule_group.

I deviate from the code examples because it is using a lot of static string variable references to link the Monitor Workspace (the managed Prometheus resource) with the cluster and Grafana, where I prefer to use Terraform references instead.

We’ll begin by creating our primary resources:

## ---------------------------------------------------
# Managed Prometheus
## ---------------------------------------------------
resource "azurerm_monitor_workspace" "default" {
  name                = "prom-test"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.default.location
## ---------------------------------------------------
# Managed Grafana
## ---------------------------------------------------
resource "azurerm_dashboard_grafana" "default" {
  name                              = "graf-test"
  resource_group_name               =
  location                          = azurerm_resource_group.default.location
  api_key_enabled                   = true
  deterministic_outbound_ip_enabled = false
  public_network_access_enabled     = true
  identity {
    type = "SystemAssigned"
  azure_monitor_workspace_integrations {
    resource_id =

# Add required role assignment over resource group containing the Azure Monitor Workspace
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "grafana" {
  scope                =
  role_definition_name = "Monitoring Reader"
  principal_id         = azurerm_dashboard_grafana.default.identity[0].principal_id

# Add role assignment to Grafana so an admin user can log in
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "grafana-admin" {
  scope                =
  role_definition_name = "Grafana Admin"
  principal_id         = var.adminGroupObjectIds[0]

# Output the grafana url for usability
output "grafana_url" {
  value = azurerm_dashboard_grafana.default.endpoint

This will tie the Azure Monitor Workspace (effectively, prometheus data store) with Grafana, and automatically include Prometheus as a Grafana data source; after deployment you can see the linked components:

However the code above is only a small portion of what is required to actually connect to the AKS cluster. This is where the Terraform examples from Azure really came in handy, because it outlined the required components, like the section below. Note this includes a large block for the prometheus rule groups, where I have only included the Linux-relevant ones (we’ll get to the Windows integration later).

resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_endpoint" "dce" {
  name                = "MSProm-${azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location}-${}"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location
  kind                = "Linux"

resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule" "dcr" {
  name                        = "MSProm-${azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location}-${}"
  resource_group_name         =
  location                    = azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location
  data_collection_endpoint_id =
  kind                        = "Linux"
  destinations {
    monitor_account {
      monitor_account_id =
      name               = "MonitoringAccount1"
  data_flow {
    streams      = ["Microsoft-PrometheusMetrics"]
    destinations = ["MonitoringAccount1"]
  data_sources {
    prometheus_forwarder {
      streams = ["Microsoft-PrometheusMetrics"]
      name    = "PrometheusDataSource"
  description = "DCR for Azure Monitor Metrics Profile (Managed Prometheus)"
  depends_on = [

resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association" "dcra" {
  name                    = "MSProm-${azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location}-${}"
  target_resource_id      =
  data_collection_rule_id =
  description             = "Association of data collection rule. Deleting this association will break the data collection for this AKS Cluster."
  depends_on = [
resource "azapi_resource" "NodeRecordingRulesRuleGroup" {
  type      = "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups@2023-03-01"
  name      = "NodeRecordingRulesRuleGroup-${}"
  location  = azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location
  parent_id =
  body = jsonencode({
    "properties" : {
      "scopes" : [
      "clusterName" :,
      "interval" : "PT1M",
      "rules" : [
          "record" : "instance:node_num_cpu:sum",
          "expression" : "count without (cpu, mode) (  node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"node\",mode=\"idle\"})"
          "record" : "instance:node_cpu_utilisation:rate5m",
          "expression" : "1 - avg without (cpu) (  sum without (mode) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"node\", mode=~\"idle|iowait|steal\"}[5m])))"
          "record" : "instance:node_load1_per_cpu:ratio",
          "expression" : "(  node_load1{job=\"node\"}/  instance:node_num_cpu:sum{job=\"node\"})"
          "record" : "instance:node_memory_utilisation:ratio",
          "expression" : "1 - (  (    node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job=\"node\"}    or    (      node_memory_Buffers_bytes{job=\"node\"}      +      node_memory_Cached_bytes{job=\"node\"}      +      node_memory_MemFree_bytes{job=\"node\"}      +      node_memory_Slab_bytes{job=\"node\"}    )  )/  node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job=\"node\"})"
          "record" : "instance:node_vmstat_pgmajfault:rate5m",
          "expression" : "rate(node_vmstat_pgmajfault{job=\"node\"}[5m])"
          "record" : "instance_device:node_disk_io_time_seconds:rate5m",
          "expression" : "rate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"\"}[5m])"
          "record" : "instance_device:node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds:rate5m",
          "expression" : "rate(node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"\"}[5m])"
          "record" : "instance:node_network_receive_bytes_excluding_lo:rate5m",
          "expression" : "sum without (device) (  rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"lo\"}[5m]))"
          "record" : "instance:node_network_transmit_bytes_excluding_lo:rate5m",
          "expression" : "sum without (device) (  rate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"lo\"}[5m]))"
          "record" : "instance:node_network_receive_drop_excluding_lo:rate5m",
          "expression" : "sum without (device) (  rate(node_network_receive_drop_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"lo\"}[5m]))"
          "record" : "instance:node_network_transmit_drop_excluding_lo:rate5m",
          "expression" : "sum without (device) (  rate(node_network_transmit_drop_total{job=\"node\", device!=\"lo\"}[5m]))"

  schema_validation_enabled = false
  ignore_missing_property   = false

resource "azapi_resource" "KubernetesReccordingRulesRuleGroup" {
  type      = "Microsoft.AlertsManagement/prometheusRuleGroups@2023-03-01"
  name      = "KubernetesReccordingRulesRuleGroup-${}"
  location  = azurerm_monitor_workspace.default.location
  parent_id =
  body = jsonencode({
    "properties" : {
      "scopes" : [
      "clusterName" :,
      "interval" : "PT1M",
      "rules" : [
          "record" : "node_namespace_pod_container:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_irate",
          "expression" : "sum by (cluster, namespace, pod, container) (  irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{job=\"cadvisor\", image!=\"\"}[5m])) * on (cluster, namespace, pod) group_left(node) topk by (cluster, namespace, pod) (  1, max by(cluster, namespace, pod, node) (kube_pod_info{node!=\"\"}))"
          "record" : "node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_working_set_bytes",
          "expression" : "container_memory_working_set_bytes{job=\"cadvisor\", image!=\"\"}* on (namespace, pod) group_left(node) topk by(namespace, pod) (1,  max by(namespace, pod, node) (kube_pod_info{node!=\"\"}))"
          "record" : "node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_rss",
          "expression" : "container_memory_rss{job=\"cadvisor\", image!=\"\"}* on (namespace, pod) group_left(node) topk by(namespace, pod) (1,  max by(namespace, pod, node) (kube_pod_info{node!=\"\"}))"
          "record" : "node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_cache",
          "expression" : "container_memory_cache{job=\"cadvisor\", image!=\"\"}* on (namespace, pod) group_left(node) topk by(namespace, pod) (1,  max by(namespace, pod, node) (kube_pod_info{node!=\"\"}))"
          "record" : "node_namespace_pod_container:container_memory_swap",
          "expression" : "container_memory_swap{job=\"cadvisor\", image!=\"\"}* on (namespace, pod) group_left(node) topk by(namespace, pod) (1,  max by(namespace, pod, node) (kube_pod_info{node!=\"\"}))"
          "record" : "cluster:namespace:pod_memory:active:kube_pod_container_resource_requests",
          "expression" : "kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource=\"memory\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}  * on (namespace, pod, cluster)group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (  (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1))"
          "record" : "namespace_memory:kube_pod_container_resource_requests:sum",
          "expression" : "sum by (namespace, cluster) (    sum by (namespace, pod, cluster) (        max by (namespace, pod, container, cluster) (          kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource=\"memory\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}        ) * on(namespace, pod, cluster) group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (          kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1        )    ))"
          "record" : "cluster:namespace:pod_cpu:active:kube_pod_container_resource_requests",
          "expression" : "kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource=\"cpu\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}  * on (namespace, pod, cluster)group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (  (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1))"
          "record" : "namespace_cpu:kube_pod_container_resource_requests:sum",
          "expression" : "sum by (namespace, cluster) (    sum by (namespace, pod, cluster) (        max by (namespace, pod, container, cluster) (          kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource=\"cpu\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}        ) * on(namespace, pod, cluster) group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (          kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1        )    ))"
          "record" : "cluster:namespace:pod_memory:active:kube_pod_container_resource_limits",
          "expression" : "kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource=\"memory\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}  * on (namespace, pod, cluster)group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (  (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1))"
          "record" : "namespace_memory:kube_pod_container_resource_limits:sum",
          "expression" : "sum by (namespace, cluster) (    sum by (namespace, pod, cluster) (        max by (namespace, pod, container, cluster) (          kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource=\"memory\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}        ) * on(namespace, pod, cluster) group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (          kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1        )    ))"
          "record" : "cluster:namespace:pod_cpu:active:kube_pod_container_resource_limits",
          "expression" : "kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource=\"cpu\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}  * on (namespace, pod, cluster)group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) ( (kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1) )"
          "record" : "namespace_cpu:kube_pod_container_resource_limits:sum",
          "expression" : "sum by (namespace, cluster) (    sum by (namespace, pod, cluster) (        max by (namespace, pod, container, cluster) (          kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource=\"cpu\",job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}        ) * on(namespace, pod, cluster) group_left() max by (namespace, pod, cluster) (          kube_pod_status_phase{phase=~\"Pending|Running\"} == 1        )    ))"
          "record" : "namespace_workload_pod:kube_pod_owner:relabel",
          "expression" : "max by (cluster, namespace, workload, pod) (  label_replace(    label_replace(      kube_pod_owner{job=\"kube-state-metrics\", owner_kind=\"ReplicaSet\"},      \"replicaset\", \"$1\", \"owner_name\", \"(.*)\"    ) * on(replicaset, namespace) group_left(owner_name) topk by(replicaset, namespace) (      1, max by (replicaset, namespace, owner_name) (        kube_replicaset_owner{job=\"kube-state-metrics\"}      )    ),    \"workload\", \"$1\", \"owner_name\", \"(.*)\"  ))",
          "labels" : {
            "workload_type" : "deployment"
          "record" : "namespace_workload_pod:kube_pod_owner:relabel",
          "expression" : "max by (cluster, namespace, workload, pod) (  label_replace(    kube_pod_owner{job=\"kube-state-metrics\", owner_kind=\"DaemonSet\"},    \"workload\", \"$1\", \"owner_name\", \"(.*)\"  ))",
          "labels" : {
            "workload_type" : "daemonset"
          "record" : "namespace_workload_pod:kube_pod_owner:relabel",
          "expression" : "max by (cluster, namespace, workload, pod) (  label_replace(    kube_pod_owner{job=\"kube-state-metrics\", owner_kind=\"StatefulSet\"},    \"workload\", \"$1\", \"owner_name\", \"(.*)\"  ))",
          "labels" : {
            "workload_type" : "statefulset"
          "record" : "namespace_workload_pod:kube_pod_owner:relabel",
          "expression" : "max by (cluster, namespace, workload, pod) (  label_replace(    kube_pod_owner{job=\"kube-state-metrics\", owner_kind=\"Job\"},    \"workload\", \"$1\", \"owner_name\", \"(.*)\"  ))",
          "labels" : {
            "workload_type" : "job"
          "record" : ":node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes:sum",
          "expression" : "sum(  node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job=\"node\"} or  (    node_memory_Buffers_bytes{job=\"node\"} +    node_memory_Cached_bytes{job=\"node\"} +    node_memory_MemFree_bytes{job=\"node\"} +    node_memory_Slab_bytes{job=\"node\"}  )) by (cluster)"
          "record" : "cluster:node_cpu:ratio_rate5m",
          "expression" : "sum(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"node\",mode!=\"idle\",mode!=\"iowait\",mode!=\"steal\"}[5m])) by (cluster) /count(sum(node_cpu_seconds_total{job=\"node\"}) by (cluster, instance, cpu)) by (cluster)"

  schema_validation_enabled = false
  ignore_missing_property   = false

You can see some linking references in this code, particularly the azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association that links to the AKS cluster id.

I deployed this set of code, and expected to see my Azure Monitor Workspace show a connection to the cluster within “Monitored Clusters”, but did not:

In addition, when evaluating the cluster I didn’t see any Daemonsets created for the ama-metrics-node that the Verify step in the documentation describes.

I pored over the example Terraform code to try and identify what I had missed, and after a while realized that my azurerm_kubernetes_cluster resource was actually different than the example. I was missing the following block, which the provider doc describes as “Specifies a Prometheus add-on profile for the Kubernetes Cluster”.

monitor_metrics {
  annotations_allowed = null
  labels_allowed      = null

The example code supplies variables for these two attributes, but I set them to null for now. As soon as I ran a terraform apply my cluster was modified, the Metrics Agent components were deployed to my cluster, and my Grafana dashboards began to be populated.

I hit the Grafana url provided by my Terraform output, signed on as the user that I provided in the var.adminGroupObjectIds, and looked at the built-in Dashboards:


Next I looked to the Windows integration instructions (doc link). These consist of “download this yaml file, and apply it to your cluster with kubectl, which I have integrated into my Terraform deployment.

Step one – download the windows-exporter-daemonset.yaml file, and make some modifications because I’m running Windows Server 2022 nodes.

I changed line 24 to use the LTSC2022 image tag for the InitContainer:

I also changed line 31 for the same reason, to this tag:

Then I pulled the ConfigMap resource within that file (separated by the yaml document separator of ---) into it’s own file. This is so that I can use the kubectl_manifest resource from the gavinbunney/kubectl provider to perform the deployment; it doesn’t support multiple yaml documents within a single file. I’m using the kubectl provider for this manifest deployment because kubernetes_manifest has an issue with requiring cluster API availability during the plan, which doesn’t work when we haven’t deployed the cluster yet.

resource "kubectl_manifest" "windows-exporter-daemonset" {
  yaml_body = file("windows-exporter-daemonset_daemonset.yaml")

resource "kubectl_manifest" "windows-exporter-configmap" {
  yaml_body = file("windows-exporter-daemonset_configmap.yaml")

With the previous configuration of our kubectl provider in Part 1, this will ensure this Daemonset is deployed to our cluster.

The instructions state to “Apply the ama-metrics-settings-configmap to your cluster” as the next step. This is done in the same way – downloading locally, making the modifications as described (Set the windowsexporter and windowskubeproxy Booleans to true) and adding to our Terraform configuration in another kubernetes_manifest resource:

# Apply the ama-metrics-settings-configmap to your cluster.
resource "kubectl_manifest" "ama-metrics-settings-configmap" {
  yaml_body = file("ama-metrics-settings-configmap.yaml")

Finally, we need to enable the Prometheus recording rules for Windows nodes and cluster. The doc links to an ARM template, which I could have refactored into an AzApi resource like the Linux recording rules above. However, before I realized that was an option I had already formatted this resource into the Terraform syntax for a monitor_alert_prometheus_rule_group:

resource "azurerm_monitor_alert_prometheus_rule_group" "noderecordingrules" {
  name                = "NodeRecordingRulesRuleGroup-Win-${}"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.default.location
  resource_group_name =
  cluster_name        =
  description         = "Kubernetes Recording Rules RuleGroup for Win"
  rule_group_enabled  = true
  interval            = "PT1M"
  scopes              = []

  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
count (windows_system_system_up_time{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_num_cpu:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
count by (instance) (sum by (instance, core) (windows_cpu_time_total{job="windows-exporter"}))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_cpu_utilisation:avg5m"
    expression = <<EOF
1 - avg(rate(windows_cpu_time_total{job="windows-exporter",mode="idle"}[5m]))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_cpu_utilisation:avg5m"
    expression = <<EOF
1 - avg by (instance) (rate(windows_cpu_time_total{job="windows-exporter",mode="idle"}[5m]))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_memory_utilisation:"
    expression = <<EOF
1 -sum(windows_memory_available_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})/sum(windows_os_visible_memory_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_memory_MemFreeCached_bytes:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
sum(windows_memory_available_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} + windows_memory_cache_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_totalCached_bytes:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
(windows_memory_cache_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} + windows_memory_modified_page_list_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} + windows_memory_standby_cache_core_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} + windows_memory_standby_cache_normal_priority_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} + windows_memory_standby_cache_reserve_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_memory_MemTotal_bytes:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_bytes_available:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
sum by (instance) ((windows_memory_available_bytes{job="windows-exporter"}))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_bytes_total:sum"
    expression = <<EOF
sum by (instance) (windows_os_visible_memory_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_utilisation:"
    expression = <<EOF
(node:windows_node_memory_bytes_total:sum - node:windows_node_memory_bytes_available:sum) / scalar(sum(node:windows_node_memory_bytes_total:sum))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_utilisation:"
    expression = <<EOF
1 - (node:windows_node_memory_bytes_available:sum / node:windows_node_memory_bytes_total:sum)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_memory_swap_io_pages:irate"
    expression = <<EOF
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_disk_utilisation:avg_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
avg(irate(windows_logical_disk_read_seconds_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m]) + irate(windows_logical_disk_write_seconds_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m]))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_disk_utilisation:avg_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
avg by (instance) ((irate(windows_logical_disk_read_seconds_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m]) + irate(windows_logical_disk_write_seconds_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m])))

resource "azurerm_monitor_alert_prometheus_rule_group" "nodeandkubernetesrules" {
  name                = "NodeAndKubernetesRecordingRulesRuleGroup-Win-${}"
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.default.location
  resource_group_name =
  cluster_name        =
  description         = "Kubernetes Recording Rules RuleGroup for Win"
  rule_group_enabled  = true
  interval            = "PT1M"
  scopes              = []

  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_filesystem_usage:"
    expression = <<EOF
max by (instance,volume)((windows_logical_disk_size_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} - windows_logical_disk_free_bytes{job="windows-exporter"}) / windows_logical_disk_size_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_filesystem_avail:"
    expression = <<EOF
max by (instance, volume) (windows_logical_disk_free_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} / windows_logical_disk_size_bytes{job="windows-exporter"})
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_net_utilisation:sum_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_net_utilisation:sum_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
sum by (instance) ((irate(windows_net_bytes_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m])))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = ":windows_node_net_saturation:sum_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
sum(irate(windows_net_packets_received_discarded_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m])) + sum(irate(windows_net_packets_outbound_discarded_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m]))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "node:windows_node_net_saturation:sum_irate"
    expression = <<EOF
sum by (instance) ((irate(windows_net_packets_received_discarded_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m]) + irate(windows_net_packets_outbound_discarded_total{job="windows-exporter"}[5m])))
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_pod_container_available"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_available{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_container_total_runtime"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_container_memory_usage"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_memory_usage_commit_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_container_private_working_set_usage"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_memory_usage_private_working_set_bytes{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_container_network_received_bytes_total"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_network_receive_bytes_total{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "windows_container_network_transmitted_bytes_total"
    expression = <<EOF
windows_container_network_transmit_bytes_total{job="windows-exporter"} * on(container_id) group_left(container, pod, namespace) max(kube_pod_container_info{job="kube-state-metrics"}) by(container, container_id, pod, namespace)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "kube_pod_windows_container_resource_memory_request"
    expression = <<EOF
max by (namespace, pod, container) (kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="memory",job="kube-state-metrics"}) * on(container,pod,namespace) (windows_pod_container_available)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "kube_pod_windows_container_resource_memory_limit"
    expression = <<EOF
kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource="memory",job="kube-state-metrics"} * on(container,pod,namespace) (windows_pod_container_available)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "kube_pod_windows_container_resource_cpu_cores_request"
    expression = <<EOF
max by (namespace, pod, container) ( kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource="cpu",job="kube-state-metrics"}) * on(container,pod,namespace) (windows_pod_container_available)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "kube_pod_windows_container_resource_cpu_cores_limit"
    expression = <<EOF
kube_pod_container_resource_limits{resource="cpu",job="kube-state-metrics"} * on(container,pod,namespace) (windows_pod_container_available)
  rule {
    enabled    = true
    record     = "namespace_pod_container:windows_container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_rate"
    expression = <<EOF
sum by (namespace, pod, container) (rate(windows_container_total_runtime{}[5m]))

This worked! After deploying these changes, when I inspected the Windows-specific Dashboards in Grafana, I began to see data for my Windows workload that I had deployed:


My next goal is to get metrics out of ingress-nginx, which has support for Prometheus metrics. I want to have an easy way to see traffic reaching certain ingress paths without having to instrument each application behind it, so this is a key functionality of my monitoring solution. I’ll look at that more closely in Part 3 of this blog series.



Azure routing port 25

I’ve known that Azure restricts outbound port 25 within its cloud for security reasons, but today I learned a little more granularity to that.

As a baseline, here’s a configuration I’m using in Azure right now, that is functional:

This is two virtual networks, connected with a VNET Peer, with each subnet protected by a Network Security Group allowing port 25 traffic. Clients send un-authenticated SMTP to an internal relay over port 25, and then the relay is configured to send outbound authenticated over port 587 with TLS.


Now here is a configuration that doesn’t work:

This is two virtual networks, connected by a site-to-site VPN tunnel established through a network virtual appliance (in this case, a VeloCloud, but it could be anything).

Then in order to get traffic to the NVA, we use a User-Defined-Route, on a route table, with the NVA LAN interface set as the next hop IP address.

In this scenario, our internal relay is configured to use port 25 to a different relay on the other side of the tunnel.

From what I can tell (because there aren’t diagnostic flow logs like the NSG), the traffic gets blocked at the UDR, because it never hits my NVA. However, other types of traffic (SSH, HTTPS, port 587) have no problem being routed and received.

Its very interesting to me that the native routing of Azure vnets will allow port 25 traffic, but not UDR’s.

Install Windows Feature from Source

Here’s the syntax to use when trying to use Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet with source as ISO mounted as DVD:

Install-WindowsFeature -Name "Web-App-Dev" -source wim:f:\sources\install.wim:4

Interestingly, when I tried to do this with the feature “Web-Net-Ext” for the .net 3.5 extensibility, it failed with a download error.

Even trying to install .net 3.5 through Install-WindowsFeature or the Server Manager failed with a similar error.

I had to install it through DISM, and then the rest of the command worked:

Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:F:\sources\sxs


Exchange Online PowerShell access denied

I am attempting to test aspects of Office 365 Modern Authentication in a UAT environment prior to enabling it within our production Tenant.

Part of this work is testing the Exchange Online PowerShell access, as there is quite amount of automation configured in our environment and we want to ensure it doesn’t break. I’ve read it “shouldn’t”, but that’s a dangerous word to trust.

Until now I’ve been unable to make the PowerShell connection to Exchange Online in our UAT environment, receiving the following during my attempts:

New-PSSession : [] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message:[ClientAccessServer=servername,,RequestId=e6f6b9e7-7c5e-45ec-87fe-59332db1fb95,TimeStamp=8/17/2017 3:16:52 PM] Access Denied For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

I can use the same account to connect in-browser to, and it is set as a Global Administrator in O365, so I know that the account itself has appropriate access.

Interestingly, if I connect with the MFA-supported PowerShell method, with the same account, it connects successfully.

Through testing I’ve determined that using any on-premise account synchronized through Azure AD Connect fails with the same “Access Denied” message, while any cloud-only account connects successfully.

I began to look at our ADFS implementation in UAT since that is a key component for authenticating the on-premise user account. This environment has ADFS 2.0 on Server 2008 R2, which is different than production but shouldn’t be a barrier to connectivity (without MFA).

After comparing the O365 trust configuration and finding no issues, I decided to use the Microsoft Connectivity tool to test. Using the Office 365 Single Sign On test, I saw a failure with this error:

A certificate chain couldn't be constructed for the certificate.
Additional Details
The certificate chain has errors. Chain status = NotTimeValid.

This let me on the path to fixing expired/broken SSL certificates in our UAT ADFS, which I posted about previously here.

Now that the SSL problem is resolved, I attempted to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell again, and was successful!

Looks like this “Access Denied” message was directly related to the expired certificate of the ADFS proxy.